Fears and Phobias

What fear of phobia is affecting you, holding you back, stopping you enjoying life or achieving a goal?

Is it a fear of spiders? Fear of flying? Fear of public speaking? Fear of birds? Fear of heights? Fear of enclosed or exposed spaces? Fear of dogs or cats? Fear of germs, or something else entirely?

Here at Mind Tamers we can help you with these fears and help empower you with coping tools, techniques and mechanisms.

Margaret uses hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which are powerful tools for addressing fears and phobias. They work by accessing and reprogramming the subconscious mind. Both modalities recognise that fears and phobias often stem from past experiences or subconscious beliefs, and they aim to resolve these underlying issues to alleviate symptoms and help promote lasting change.

Using hypnotherapy, Margaret creates a state of focused relaxation to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious. In this state, she can guide individuals to explore the root causes of their fears or phobias and reframe them in a more positive light. Through suggestion and visualisation, hypnotherapy can help individuals desensitise to triggers, reprocess traumatic memories, and build confidence in their ability to cope with fear-inducing situations. By rewiring subconscious patterns and responses, Margaret empowers individuals to overcome fears and phobias with greater ease and resilience.

Similarly, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping therapy, combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychology to address emotional issues, including fears and phobias. EFT involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while verbalising statements that acknowledge the fear or phobia. This process helps to release blocked energy and disrupt negative thought patterns associated with the fear, leading to a reduction in emotional intensity and physical symptoms. By tapping into the body’s energy system, EFT can help individuals reframe their perceptions of fear, cultivate a sense of safety and empowerment, and experience relief from debilitating phobias.

Both hypnotherapy and EFT offer safe, non-invasive approaches to addressing fears and phobias that can complement traditional therapeutic techniques. Margaret works using these techniques to work with the subconscious mind, providing effective tools for individuals to overcome their fears, reclaim their lives, and pursue their goals with confidence and courage.

Take your first step towards transformation with Mind Tamers.

Book your first session here – it is 2 hours long and costs £100 – or you can email me at hello@mindtamers.co.uk or call 07899269933.

Follow up sessions are 1 hour and £75book here.

​Or book your free 20 minute call to explore your goals and dreams, to find out where your limitations are and create a plan. Book your call here or by emailing me at hello@mindtamers.co.uk or call 07899269933.

Contact me at hello@mindtamers.co.uk or on 07899269933 for more information

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