
We all know that when we have a good night’s sleep we wake up the next day feeling we can take over the world….or at least get most of our to-do list done. Conversely we all know that when we have a bad night sleep….or many bad night’s sleep, life becomes harder and harder. With each day becoming a struggle.

Sleep plays a fundamental role in maintaining overall health and well-being, with its importance extending across physical, mental, and emotional domains. Adequate sleep is crucial for the body’s ability to repair and regenerate tissues, consolidate memories, regulate mood, and support cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving. Moreover, consistent and restorative sleep has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Conversely, chronic sleep deprivation or poor-quality sleep can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including impaired immune function, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, decreased cognitive performance, and increased susceptibility to accidents and injuries. Given its profound impact on nearly every aspect of life, prioritising and optimising sleep hygiene is paramount for achieving optimal health and functioning.

This is where Margaret from Mind Tamers comes in. For individuals struggling with sleep issues, offering a supportive and structured environment to explore and address underlying factors contributing to sleep disturbances is a game changer.

Working with Margaret can help individuals process and manage stress, anxiety, and other psychological factors that may be interfering with sleep patterns. Margaret will help target the root causes of sleep difficulties and equip her clients with coping strategies and tools for better sleep hygiene, playing a pivotal role in restoring restful and rejuvenating sleep patterns, ultimately enhancing overall health and quality of life.

Getting a good night’s sleep is so important I want to share one of my hypnomeditation recordings for free. This simple recording has helped many of the people I work with sleep better. Simply wait until you are ready for sleep, get into bed and listen. Sleep well.

Take your first step towards transformation with Mind Tamers.

Book your first session here – it is 2 hours long and costs £100 – or you can email me at or call 07899269933.

Follow up sessions are 1 hour and £75book here.

​Or book your free 20 minute call to explore your goals and dreams, to find out where your limitations are and create a plan. Book your call here or by emailing me at or call 07899269933.

Contact me at or on 07899269933 for more information

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