Sports Performance

Margaret has worked with many sports people over her 18 years as a therapist. From enthusiastic amateurs through to professional football team, professional golfers and even a Team GB athlete. What they all wanted was to be the best they could be….and win.

Margaret offers specialised support for athletes seeking to optimise their sports performance through the innovative techniques of hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Recognising the crucial role that mindset plays in sport success, Margaret provides tailored interventions to help athletes overcome mental barriers, enhance focus, and harness their full potential on the field or court.

Hypnotherapy serves as a powerful tool in Margaret’s approach to sports performance enhancement. By guiding athletes into a deeply relaxed state, hypnotherapy enables access to the subconscious mind where beliefs, habits, and performance patterns are stored. Margaret assists athletes in helping remove limiting beliefs, visualising success, reinforcing positive self-talk, and cultivating a winning mindset that instills confidence and resilience. Through visualisation exercises and suggestion, hypnotherapy helps athletes overcome performance anxiety, conquer self-doubt, and tap into their innate abilities with unwavering belief and determination.

In conjunction with hypnotherapy, Margaret integrates the principles of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to address the emotional and energetic aspects of sports performance. This technique helps athletes to neutralise negative emotions, reduce stress levels, and enter a state of peak performance readiness. Margaret guides athletes through the process of EFT with skill and expertise, enabling them to achieve optimal focus, confidence, and composure under pressure.

Through her holistic approach to sports performance enhancement, Margaret empowers athletes to unlock their full potential and achieve peak performance on the field, track, or court. By combining the transformative powers of hypnotherapy and EFT, Margaret helps athletes cultivate mental resilience, sharpen focus, and harness the mind-body connection to elevate their performance to new heights.

Take your first step towards transformation with Mind Tamers.

Book your first session here – it is 2 hours long and costs £100 – or you can email me at or call 07899269933.

Follow up sessions are 1 hour and £75book here.

​Or book your free 20 minute call to explore your goals and dreams, to find out where your limitations are and create a plan. Book your call here or by emailing me at or call 07899269933.

Contact me at or on 07899269933 for more information

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