Stress and Anxiety

We all experience stress and anxiety at some point in our lives. It is in fact a good thing in small doses. It helps us achieve and grow. But often what happens is it goes on, and on, and on, and builds until it becomes overwhelming. Affecting our minds and bodies. In fact chronic stress is linked to immune suppression, mental health issues, cardiovascular problems, disturbing our sleep, affecting our digestion, causing us to gain or lose weight and even creates muscle aches and pains as well as headaches and migraines.

Margaret specialises in helping individuals overcome stress, anxiety and the overwhelm it causes. She works with the transformative techniques of hypnotherapy, mindfulness and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Margaret provides personalised interventions to help clients regain balance, resilience, and inner peace.

Hypnotherapy serves as a powerful tool in Margaret’s approach to managing stress and anxiety. By guiding clients into a state of deep relaxation, hypnotherapy enables access to the subconscious mind where deeply rooted beliefs and thought patterns are found that often are the cause of or associated with stress and anxiety. Margaret assists clients in reframing negative thought patterns, releasing emotional baggage, and cultivating a sense of calm and inner strength. Through EFT, mindfulness, visualisation exercises and positive suggestion, Margaret empowers individuals to overcome anxiety triggers, manage stressors more effectively, and cultivate a greater sense of control and empowerment over their lives.

Through her holistic approach to managing stress and anxiety, Margaret empowers individuals to break free from the cycle of worry and overwhelm and embrace a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

By combining the transformative powers of hypnotherapy, mindfulness and EFT, Margaret helps clients navigate life’s challenges with greater ease, confidence, and resilience. With Margaret’s guidance and support, individuals can learn to cultivate a sense of inner calm, reclaim their joy and vitality, and thrive in this world.

Take your first step towards transformation with Mind Tamers.

Book your first session here – it is 2 hours long and costs £100 – or you can email me at or call 07899269933.

Follow up sessions are 1 hour and £75book here.

​Or book your free 20 minute call to explore your goals and dreams, to find out where your limitations are and create a plan. Book your call here or by emailing me at or call 07899269933.

Contact me at or on 07899269933 for more information

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