Weight Loss

Being overweight puts a massive strain on your body, and mind. It can result in reproduction problems, heart problems, joint issues, sleep Apnea, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, digestion problems as well as the psychological effects.

Here are 2 photos, a before and after of Margaret, founder of Mind Tamers. She had long covid for over 2 years and put on 5 1/2 stone (that is 35kg or 77lb). It affected her physical and mental health greatly. But using hypnotherapy, visualisations, Emotional Freedom Technique and time, she has lost 5 of that stone (32kg or 70lb). She now helps others do the same.

Margaret offers an approachable and achievable approach to weight loss. She uses the combined power of hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to support individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals. Here at Mind Tamers we recognise that weight loss involves and is about more than just diet and exercise. It is about health and wellness of the body and mind.

Margaret provides personalised goal achievement plans to address the underlying factors that contribute to weight gain and holds back progress.

Hypnotherapy serves as a cornerstone of Margaret’s approach to weight loss. By guiding clients into a state of deep relaxation, hypnotherapy enables access to the subconscious mind where deeply ingrained beliefs, habits, and patterns related to food and body image reside. Margaret assists clients in reframing negative thought patterns, overcoming emotional eating triggers, and cultivating a positive relationship with food and their bodies. Through visualisation exercises and positive suggestion, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to make healthier choices, adopt sustainable lifestyle habits, and achieve their weight loss goals with confidence and self-belief.

In conjunction with hypnotherapy, Margaret incorporates the powerful principles of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This technique helps individuals to reduce emotional eating, manage cravings, and break free from old patterns of behaviour that no longer serve them. Margaret guides clients along their journey, providing them with practical tools to overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and achieve lasting success on their weight loss journey.

Through her holistic approach to weight loss, Margaret empowers individuals to transform their relationship with food, overcome barriers to success, and embrace a healthier, more vibrant life. By combining the transformative powers of hypnotherapy and EFT, helping clients break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and achieve sustainable results that last. With Margaret’s guidance and support, individuals can reclaim their health, vitality, and confidence, and unlock their full potential for a happier, more fulfilling future.

Contact me at hello@mindtamers.co.uk or on 07899269933 for more information

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