Limiting Beliefs

Our limiting beliefs are often hiding away in the corners of our subconscious mind, waiting to subtly, or not so subtly affect your thoughts, behaviours and actions. Usually to the detriment of yourself, your life, your relationships even your career or business.

Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being judged and fear of not being good enough. Most of us have them. Innocently picked up along our life path. They are initially there to protect us, but in the end they hold us back. Back from becoming the best we can be, and living the life we would love to live.

Margaret Sinclair’s expertise in hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and life coaching, provide a powerful framework for addressing and transforming limiting beliefs that may be holding individuals back. Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained convictions about oneself or the world that can hinder personal growth, undermine confidence, and create self-imposed barriers to success and fulfilment.

Margaret understands that these beliefs often originate from past experiences, societal conditioning, or negative self-talk, and she offers compassionate support and effective techniques to help clients overcome them.

Through hypnotherapy, Margaret guides clients into a deeply relaxed state where the subconscious mind becomes more accessible. In this heightened state of awareness, individuals can explore the root causes of their limiting beliefs and reframe them with empowering and positive alternatives. By bypassing the critical faculties of the conscious mind, hypnotherapy enables clients to release old patterns of thinking and embed new, more supportive beliefs at a subconscious level, leading to lasting transformation and personal growth.

In tandem with hypnotherapy, Margaret often incorporates the innovative approach of EFT to address limiting beliefs and emotional blocks. EFT involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while verbalising statements that challenge negative beliefs or emotions. This process helps to release blocked energy and disrupt the neural pathways associated with limiting beliefs, allowing individuals to experience profound shifts in their perception of themselves and their capabilities. Margaret gently guides clients through the EFT process, providing encouragement and support as they release self-doubt, fear, and self-criticism, and embrace a newfound sense of empowerment and possibility.

Through her compassionate and personalised approach, Margaret Sinclair helps clients break free from the grip of limiting beliefs and step into their full potential. By combining the transformative techniques of hypnotherapy and EFT, she empowers individuals to rewrite the script of their lives, replacing self-imposed limitations with confidence, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose. Margaret’s guidance offers a pathway to greater self-awareness, authenticity, and fulfilment, empowering clients to create the life they truly desire, and deserve!

Take your first step towards transformation with Mind Tamers.

Book your first session here – it is 2 hours long and costs £100 – or you can email me at or call 07899269933.

Follow up sessions are 1 hour and £75book here.

​Or book your free 20 minute call to explore your goals and dreams, to find out where your limitations are and create a plan. Book your call here or by emailing me at or call 07899269933.

Contact me at or on 07899269933 for more information

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